(619) 231-9449 info@millercalhoonlaw.com


HMO Bad Faith – Does it exist?

By Patrick A. Calhoon Like millions of Californians, your client is enrolled in a Health Maintenance Organization (“HMO”) plan for her healthcare. Under these plans, the HMO plan contracts with health care providers, usually through medical groups known as Independent...

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Beware the Stipulated Judgment

By: Patrick A. Calhoon Your client was seriously injured in a car accident. He has damages that undisputedly approach several million dollars. You sue the at-fault driver who has a $100,000 policy, and two other smaller policies for $25,000 with...

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ERISA: In search of a fair review of claim denials.

By Patrick A. Calhoon Let’s face it, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) is the bane of a bad faith attorney’s existence. Nothing is worse than getting a call from a potential client who describes what sounds like the most ridiculous and baseless...

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HMO Bad Faith – Does it exist?

By Patrick A. Calhoon Like millions of Californians, your client is enrolled in a Health Maintenance Organization (“HMO”) plan for her healthcare. Under these plans, the HMO plan contracts with health care providers, usually through medical groups known as Independent...

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Beware the Stipulated Judgment

By: Patrick A. Calhoon Your client was seriously injured in a car accident. He has damages that undisputedly approach several million dollars. You sue the at-fault driver who has a $100,000 policy, and two other smaller policies for $25,000 with...

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ERISA: In search of a fair review of claim denials.

By Patrick A. Calhoon Let’s face it, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) is the bane of a bad faith attorney’s existence. Nothing is worse than getting a call from a potential client who describes what sounds like the most ridiculous and baseless...

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Case Results

Amor Ministries v. Century Surety Co.

Verdict Amount: $8,100,000 Case Number: U.S. District Court, Southern District of California, Case No. 13 CV 1441 GPC-BGS Date of Verdict: January 28, 2016 Plaintiff: Amor Ministries Defendant: Century Surety Company Facts and Background: Action for Insurance Bad...

Doe Plaintiff v. Roe Insurance Co.

Settlement Amount: $6,000,000 Case Name: DOE PLAINTIFF V. ROE INSURANCE COMPANY Case Settled: 10/2011 Plaintiff: Confidential Defendant: Confidential Facts and Background: Action for insurance bad faith based on Roe Insurance Company's wrongful...

City of Carlsbad v. ISOP and Allianz Insurance Co.

Settlement Amount: $6,300,000 Case Name: CITY OF CARLSBAD v. ISOP and ALLIANZ INSURANCE COMPANY Case Number: 37-2007-00072351-CU-IC-CTL Case Settled: 10/2010 Plaintiff: City of Carlsbad Defendants: ISOP and Allianz Insurance Co. Facts and Background: (As against...

City of San Diego v. Lexington Insurance Co.

Settlement Amount: $1,625,000 Case Name: CITY OF SAN DIEGO v. LEXINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY Case Number 07CV-0475 DMS (NLS) Case Settled: 11/08 Plaintiff: The City of San Diego Defendant: Lexington Insurance Co. Facts and Background: On October 23, 2003, the City of San...

Majors v. Western Home Insurance Co.

Settlement Amount: $1,780,000 (including interest during pendency of appeal.) Case Name: MAJORS v. WESTERN HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Case Number GIC 842164 Case Settled: 12/7/06 Plaintiff: Patrick and Elsa Majors Defendants: Western Home Insurance Co. Facts and...

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